: : : welcome to the RRRGGGBBB PROJECT PAGE of SSMIDD / stephana schmidt / stephana shan : : : last update: 10/12/20 : : : this is a scroll down page : : :

THE RRRGGGBBB-PROJECT pursues questions which arise concerning the representation of pictures on colour screens.
RGB refers to the RGB colour space model for light mixing, which emerged from the trichromatic theory.

rrrgggbbb-tomb by ssmidd 425


installation by ssmidd @ ATOMINO 2010

[ click here to see a performance-video ]

The  RRRGGGBBB-TOMB is an exten-sive installation made with methods and objects found at the textile museum. Spots have been fixed to textile-tension-beams. Thus the room turns into a halfshadowed tomb whereas the basic colors of the elec-trical image generate a floating mixture. From the floor 3 hollow aluminum blocks spread the pale illumination into the dar-kest corners of the space. The initial window-element turned into a blind mirror. also This mirror simply relegates back into the room. The room reminds a black box. The back-stage of a magic theatre where manufactory's, industries and digital illu-sions have come to an end.

rrrgggbbb-connection by ssmidd - view 425


installation by ssmidd @ kunstinbetrieb3

[ click here to see flash photo impressions ]


RGBsEQuenCE by stephana schmidt

RGBsEQuenCE by S.Schmidt

DVDpal, col, stereo, 4:3, 3:30 min

[ click here to see an online-preview ]

RGBsEQuenCE was constructed out of an error-sequence which can be discovered at the very end of the video. The error was caused by the transfer of a very large DV-sequence from one computer into another, using a data-DVD. The spectator is taking a journey through a descending of digital effects. During this journey the video enters into an emanating state, where one might guess to be looking into a holographic illusion. Where chaos and error meet something seducing can rise.

stephana schmidt_16to9heads

16to9heads by Stephana Schmidt

busts in red, green & blue
[16:9 format monoculars]
14x29x19 cm each

@ lets burn exhibit @ gallery-33

stephana shan - colonne RVB 01

Colonne RVB by Stephana Shan

virtual sculpture in 3 parts, each
67 m build and placed in second life

feu RVB by stephana schmidt

feu RVB
RGB fire

sculpture with glass, artificial furs, electric lights, synthetic
resin balls, etc.

always different versions are being exhibited


@ internationales forum, Berlin

3 frost saints by stephana - photo © carlo bernardini

the 3 frost saints
die 3 eisheiligen

cardboard sculptures
with neon lights

@ digitalmediavalencia
@ Kunsthaus Kreuzberg, Berlin
@ object constellation 3.14

photo: © carlo bernardini 2008

rrrgggbbb-tree by stephana schmidt

the project is kindly
being sponsored by
Moonlight GmbH

the physical realisation
of the “rrrgggbbb-gestell”
has taken place in the
Kalerie - Kunstschmiede
of Kemal Cantürk

@ Licht im Schloss II, dresden
@ internationales forum, berlin
@ tease art fair, cologne

changeur d'apparences
visual tracking

changeur d’apparences
dimension variable
3 motherboards and 1 TV

3 Tableau rouge vert beu
204x83x5 cm each
Art-resin on lacquer-spray
on wood
@ internationales forum

triancolor / visual tracking
partner: erational.org
demo: click here

: : : CONTACT : : :  info [at] gedankenschmied [.] net : : :  RRRGGGBBB-PROJECT (c) ssmidd / stephana  shan, multipurpose artists : : :